If your car is undergoing expert windshield replacement or repair, you’re probably thinking that the glass doesn’t appear to be too different from the one in the windows of your home.

However, there are many differences between the glass in a car’s windshield and ordinary glass that you might have in your home. From the material to the method of how it’s made, there’s a lot that sets a windshield glass apart.

Here are some ways you can distinguish between windshield glass vs. ordinary glass:

Windshield glass is made differently

Windshield glass comprises different materials than ordinary glass. A large portion of its composition consists of silica sand, but it also includes soda ash, dolomite, limestone, and cullet, which increase the glass’s durability and decrease its melting point, which makes it a lot easier to manipulate during production.

A car’s windshield consists of two sheets of glass around a layer of vinyl. These sheets are laminated for extra protection, which allows the windshield to withstand extra pressure and damage compared to regular glass.

It breaks differently

A car’s windshield doesn’t shatter like regular glass. Glass windshields usually break into hundreds of tiny pieces or retain their shape in one large piece, unlike ordinary glass that breaks into multiple sharp pieces. While it might seem strange to create a type of glass that breaks into more pieces, it’s a deliberate decision that reduces the risk of severe injury in the event of a car crash. Since the glass shards are much less jagged, the car’s occupants are less likely to get major injuries from the broken glass.

Laminated and reinforced windshields are less likely to break compared to ordinary glass windows. When it comes to windshield glass vs. ordinary glass, the former is much better at keeping the passengers and drivers protected.

The rear and side windows are different

The rear and side windows of a car are different from the windshield. They’re made with tempered glass instead of laminated glass, which makes the glass more durable than ordinary glass, but it’s still breakable. This is an important safety aspect that can help the occupants get out in case they get trapped inside after an accident. The shards of broken, tempered glass are also a lot duller than regular glass, so the occupants don’t have to worry about getting injured in the process.

Car windshield replacement service - Windshield repair san diego

Evolution of car glass

Cars were initially designed without any windows or windshields, and drivers were required to wear goggles to be able to see clearly. They were eventually replaced with windshields. However, they were made of ordinary glass, which caused many injuries, forcing manufacturers to figure out a solution. Laminated glass has made things much easier—it’s durable, cost-effective, and safe!

Get in touch with an auto glass repair company

If you want to find out more about windshield glass vs. ordinary glass, it’s best to talk to the experts at Windshield Repair San Diego. We provide top-notch windshield replacement and reparation services in Santee, Temecula, Mira Mesa, Poway, and Rancho Santa Fe.

Call us at (619) 882-1166 to learn more about our services.

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