When was the last time you replaced your windshield? If you drive frequently, you can expect your windshields to wear out in less than five years. However, if you don’t use your car as frequently, you can expect your windshield to last longer. Regardless of that, your windscreen’s integrity can decrease over the years due to temperature changes and external elements. That’s why it’s crucial to replace them after at least ten years.

So, here are some benefits of windshield replacement

A New Windshield Offers Clear Vision

Most people don’t replace their windshields at all unless they have to because of a chip or a crack. So, If a rock impacts your windshield during driving, it can create several cracks and chips in the glass, impeding your vision. So, you’ll need an immediate windshield replacement. 

Also, a cracked windshield can make it difficult for you to drive in cold weather conditions because the glass can fog up when the heater is on. So, you call your local auto glass repair company for help.

It’ll Have More Structural Integrity

Your windshield goes through a lot, including temperature changes through the seasons, strong winds and debris flying at the glass at high speeds, and rainstorms. All these can lower the structural integrity over the years. And once the glass is weak enough, small pebbles can crack and chip your windscreen. 

If you leave these cracks unattended, they can widen and allow moisture to seep through. So, rainwater and dew can dampen your interiors, leading to mold growth that can ruin your vehicle upholstery and electrical components. So, replace your old windshield to avoid chips and cracks. 

It Can Sustain More Damage Upon Impact

Our seatbelts and windshield are barriers that reduce the risk of ejection when we collide in an accident. So, if you’re not wearing a seatbelt, the windshield will protect you. However, if your windshield is old and weakened, you’ll be putting yourself and your passenger at risk of being thrown out of the vehicle upon impact. 

Get Expert Windshield Replacement Services In San Diego

If you’re looking for affordable and quality windshield repair service or replacement services, Windshield Repair San Diego can help. 

Get in touch with us today for more information on our auto glass services in San Diego

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