Auto Glass Blog

Windshield Repair vs Replacement: Which Option Is Right for Your Vehicle?

The windshield is one of the important elements of your car’s appearance as well as protection. It offers a 360-degree view of your surroundings while shielding your car from dust and debris.

Moreover, the windshield also offers aerodynamic stability to your vehicle, making it an integral part of your car that can’t be neglected.

However, no matter how many precautions you take, you might have to deal with a damaged or cracked windshield at some point in your life. So, what should you do when your vehicle’s windshield is cracked?

Should you get it repaired or replaced?

There are several factors that influence the decision you should take in such a situation. The type and extent of the damage as well as the condition and age of the car, play a significant role in making the right choice.

However, before we delve deeper into whether you should repair or replace your windshield, let us understand the type of windshield damages there are –

windshield repair

Types of Windshield Damages

  • Bull’s Eye Crack

It occurs when hit by a blunt piece or a solid object, resulting in a circular-shaped crack. It may even result in a piece of glass chipping off. It is one of the most common causes of a cracked windshield.

  • Stress Crack

It is a type of crack that occurs internally due to temperature change. When a car buried under the snow is washed off with hot water, a stress crack can occur on the windshield.

  • Star Crack

When a pointed or sharp object hits the windshield, a star crack occurs. Depending on the intensity of the hit, it may result in a piece of glass falling off. Such cracks can quickly spread if not swiftly dealt with.

  • Edge Crack

This kind of crack occurs around the lining of the windshield and tends to spread quickly if not fixed at the earliest.

  • Half-Moon Crack

This kind of crack is also the result of a blunt object hitting the windshield but results in a semi-circular crack.

Should You Get Your Windshield Repaired or Replaced?

Having covered the types of windshield damages Windshield Replacement, let us dive into the most important question – should you replace or repair your cracked windshield?

This primarily depends on several factors, including –

  • Size of the Damage

One of the most important determinants of whether the windshield can be repaired or the only alternative is replacement is the size of the damage. This is because not all windshield damages need to be replaced. A minor chip on a windshield of size 40 millimeters or less can be easily repaired in about half an hour by a trained auto glass repair professional.

  • Damage’s Severity

Along with the size of the damage, the severity of the damage also needs to be considered. If the damage on the windshield is limited to the outer layer, repairing it may seem ideal. However, if the windshield damage has penetrated into the outer layer, it is best advised to replace the windshield.

  • Extent of Damage

If there are multiple chippings or cracks on the windshield, it greatly impacts the integrity of the windshield. In such cases, the ideal solution is to go for windshield replacement. It is because when the integrity of the windshield is weak, even a minor impact can cause it to shatter to pieces, proving to be an accident hazard.

  • Insurance Coverage

If you have comprehensive auto insurance coverage, it will likely cover the cost of windshield replacement. In such a situation, it is always advised to go for windshield replacement instead of repair. In fact, most insurance companies advise replacement over repair.

  • Damage Location

If the crack or chip on the windshield is located on the driver’s line of sight, repairing the windshield will still obstruct the driver’s view. In such cases, windshield replacement is the only viable option.

  • Age & Condition of Car

The age and condition of the car play a vital role in whether to go for windshield repair or replacement. If the car is relatively new, windshield repair may seem like a good option. However, if the car is old and the condition isn’t the best, going for windshield replacement is a wiser choice.

Final Takeaway

It’s not recommended to drive a car with a cracked or damaged windshield as it negatively impacts the windshield’s integrity. The next time you are in an accident, no matter how minor, the windshield may detach or shatter completely, injuring the driver and the passengers inside.

Moreover, the optimal deployment of the airbags can be impacted by a damaged windshield, leading to passengers and driver being thrown off the car in case of an accident.

If your car’s windshield is damaged, it’s best to seek professional help rather than going the DIY route to repair it. Professional experts have the experience, expertise and tools necessary to assess the extent of the damage and advise which of repair or replacement is an ideal solution.

Delaying windshield repair or replacement runs the risk of damage spreading quickly, which not only pose as an accident hazard but may even result in getting fined on the road.

expert windshield repair
Tags: Auto Glass Blog

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